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Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Mission & Hallmarks

The growth of each student’s relationship with God is at the heart of NDA’s holistic educational experience.

Saint Julie Billiart and Francoise Blin de Bourdon, co-founders of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, were dedicated to the belief that God is a good God. “Ah, qu'il est bon le bon Dieu!” was St. Julie's ongoing exclamation, in times of joy and difficulty.

NDA welcomes students of all religious traditions, guiding them in their personal faith formation and inspiring them to see the goodness of God.

We hope that all members of the NDA community, especially our students, grow in their understanding that they are created in the image of God and that they continually reflect God's goodness. Through theological reflection, our students examine their choices and decisions in the light of scripture, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and the needs of the world community.

Our Hallmarks

Service Learning


Prayers & Worship