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Global Education

Global education empowers our girls to become forward-thinking leaders with values rooted in the Hallmarks of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.

In the past, our girls have broadened their perspectives through travel spanning from Costa Rica to Italy. Global education gives students an awareness of world cultures and social experiences which reflect the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur call to:
a group of girls with a flag


Honor the dignity of all people

group of students in italy


Act on behalf of justice and peace

girl holding produce


Care for all creation


“The Women’s Leadership trip to Italy truly widened my view of the world, reminding me how important it is to promote women in leadership. From all the wonderful women we met on this trip, I learned valuable life lessons that I’ll always remember!”

 Caroline Cusick ’25

Global education also provides experiential learning and creates opportunities for girls to lean-into new experiences. Resiliency grows as students successfully collaborate and navigate new situations. Through travel, our girls understand first-hand how their lives connect within a broader global context. This understanding offers valuable insights as they prepare to lead lives of purpose.